Jul 29, 2012

New Uke Arrived

On Saturday, my new Kala Concert Ukulele arrived - since returning from Hawaii, Alex and I have been plunking around on his tiny soprano and now we have this one to play along together. As you can see, we found a use for the nice guitar stand that was sitting idle since the sale of my Fender Strat. We continue to learn chords and progressions via internet and are coming along. It is fun learning together and Alex and share may laughs along the way as we struggle. If we actually keep up with it, we will need another uke soon... already looking forward to getting a tenor sized uke sometime. Shhhh, don't tell my wife :)

1 comment:

Coolkayaker1 said...

That'll serve Alex for a long time. It has a tie bridge, which is the least problematic bridge type (as opposed to pin bridges and knotted bridges, which can pull out, cut, chip and break). Yes, you would fit a tenor well. Half the fun is finding the right uke and strings, so enjoy the process. Sign up for Ukulele Underground forum so you can support me when I write something inane to rile the troops and they ravage me like gorillas loose at the Chiquita farm..