Nov 20, 2011

Wouldn't You Know It

This morning, I decided to take a stroll with my new 70-200 lens - give it a little workout and see what it can do. As posted earlier, the intent was to benefit from the smaller size compared to my 100-400 while knowingly giving up some focal length.

Well, wouldn't you know the very day that I decide to leave my 100-400 howitzer at home is the same day that I would run across a bald eagle! Such is my luck... I had never seen one before.

Anyway, I snapped away as best I could and managed a blurry, tiny photo that needed to be cropped so hard that it is very poor quality. Such is the life of the photographer - always a trade-off... just a bad one today.

I'll probably get another photo op someday... sometime in the next 40 years :)

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