Jul 10, 2011

Kayaking at Round Valley

Alex and I had a great time this morning out at Round Valley Reservoir... his first time in a kayak and he did GREAT! Paddled out and around most of the big water... enjoyed a Slim Jim at the mid-point and then took it easy on the way back to the launch. I think I have a new paddling buddy!


Coolkayaker1 said...

That's superb. Alex really is a multisport athlete. It's wonderful to have a buddy to kayak and spend time with. Enjoy it fully, WFF, b/c when he's fourteen, kayaking with dad on the lake will be as welcomed as horseflies at a BBQ.

Just the thought of it brings back memories of when we swam at Packards, and the big horseflies were out, and they'd know to wait until we came up for air, then would land on out wet heads and sting the crap out of us. Now that I think of it, what the heck is a horsefly stinging for, anyhow. Was it laying eggs under my scalp, or what? Don;t answer that.

Anonymous said...

Now we have another 3rd generation Kayaker. It's a great sport and your lucky to have good water.