Jul 19, 2011


Here's a picture of four squash/zucchini that grew organically in our compost pile... the beer can is to help give some perspective to the enormous size.

I will need to keep an eye on this plant a little better to see if I can't catch the next "crop" before they become gigantors.


Coolkayaker1 said...

Yuck. Gross! Pa-tooey. Why, oh why? Blech.

Budweiser Select.

Anonymous said...

They appear to be a cross between yellow textured summer squash and zucchini which happens when one is polinated by the other. They would be OK to eat like zucchini (sliced and boiled or fried in oil) but should be harvested when about 6-10 inches long. If you harvest regularly they will keep coming.

White Ford Falcon said...

I like Bud Select --- I've had a case in my fridge for about 6 months... the same case!! haha! I don't mind it much --- liking the heavy beers less and less somehow. This is good easy drinking while mowing the lawn...

I was startled by these monsters... probably not very good eating. I am keeping close tabs to see if others show --- should get a couple more I think.

Coolkayaker1 said...

Those aren't zucchinis. This are punkin!