Looking at it today, I thought that it would make a nice subject for me to test my new lens and also take the opportunity to "learn to see" in black & white versus color.
Although the color photo is very descript - chair is a mid-brown, the bushes outside as green, the walls are gold-ish, the carpet is grey-green, etc., it is only when the photo is stripped of all these, let's call them, "complications" that the true esscence of the chair is seen.
Have a look and see for yourself.

That is avery beutifull chair color or B&W.
I love that chair, and all chairs like it. New England Windsor style, I think. I look for rockers like that, but have never bought one. I can just see it, sitting alone on that factory store wall, screaming out to you. Yes, it's unnecessary, yes, it's pure wanton lust for it's fine features and curved seat. I can see your inner conversation now as you stared at it.
"Look, I don't smoke and I don't drink (too much, anyway), so what vices do I have? None. So I want that chair!" he says to himself, all the while repressing his credit card busting camera addiction.
You are right about that B&W thing, WhiteFordF. The monochrome photo is must better for seeing the chair itself. It's a very fine chair.
Not as fine as a Heywood-Wakefield rock maple mid-70s, heavyweight desk chair, but it's still a nice chair.
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